Fire Doors - Expert Commentary

Inaccurate Installation: A Route To Non-Compliance - Allegion UK
Inaccurate Installation: A Route To Non-Compliance - Allegion UK

The performance and reliability of fire doors can be undone by inaccurate hardware installation.  Karen Trigg of Allegion UK explains the significance of installer competence...

BS 476 To EN 1634-1: What Does It Mean For Door Hardware?
BS 476 To EN 1634-1: What Does It Mean For Door Hardware?

Daniel May of Consort Architectural Hardware discusses the proposed standard change from BS 476 to EN 1634-1 and the impact it may have on door hardware and the built environment s...

How A Door Becomes A Fire Door: A Technical Guide
How A Door Becomes A Fire Door: A Technical Guide

Working fire doors are a prerequisite for fire safety, but what differentiates them from regular doors Kirk Smith of Allegion UK outlines the technical features that form fire-rate...
