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FIREX International 2022 was bustling with visitors, glad to be back networking, demonstrating new technologies, and sharing ideas. Education was high on the agenda across the three days at London’s Excel, with various live seminars and panel discussion sessions held throughout the show. Fire Education Seminar...

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Fire Garments Becoming More Comfortable With More Range Of Motion

Trends in garments and protective gear for firefighters are evolving to address the changing needs o...

Avoiding And Responding To Fire Aboard Marine Vessels

Fires are among the biggest threats to seagoing vessels, despite the irony of the vessels being surr...

Robots Support Firefighters But Are Not Intended To Replace Them

Firefighting robots have been deployed by a couple of departments in the United States, but the full...

No Cutting Corners Around Fire Safety For Office Interior Specification

There’s no doubt the Building Safety Act and Fire Safety Act are driving major improvements in...

Showcase: Case studies


Overcoming the Challenges of Fire Safety in the Paper Industry

It is vital to detect fire as early as possible.   In this webinar, Bosch Security and Safety Systems demonstrates how AVIOTEC video-based fire detection cameras quickly detect smoke and flames directly at the source, thereafter alerting safety teams befo...

Top downloads

A Digital Platform to Improve Fire Safety Compliance an...

Fire safety issues continue to be a challenge for new and ex...

Carbon Monoxide: Creeping Killer Caught In The Act

People have known for centuries that carbon monoxide is life...

Flame-Resistant Fibers Combine Protection and Comfort f...

Flame resistance can be the difference between life and deat...