Edwards Signaling 270-DPO double pole fire alarm pull station

Technical Specification

  • Make: Edwards Signaling
  • Model code: 270-DPO
Additional info:

Edwards Signaling 270-DPO is a double pole pull station for fire alarm installations in schools, hospitals, factories, and industrial locations. The station provides a single action, break glass, initiating operation. It is available with normally open (N.O.) switch contacts. The non-coded fire alarm station has screw terminals for field connection.

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Make Edwards Signaling
Manufacturer Edwards Signaling
Category Fire and Rescue>Warning Lights & Sirens
Model code 270-DPO
Additional info

Edwards Signaling 270-DPO is a double pole pull station for fire alarm installations in schools, hospitals, factories, and industrial locations. The station provides a single action, break glass, initiating operation. It is available with normally open (N.O.) switch contacts. The non-coded fire alarm station has screw terminals for field connection.

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