Dr. Sthamer MOUSSEAL-C foam premix solution

Technical Specification

  • Make: Dr. Sthamer
  • Model code: MOUSSEAL-C
  • Hazard: Class A
  • Type: AFFF
Additional info:

Dr. Sthamer MOUSSEAL-C is a ready-to-use aqueous film forming foam premix solution for use in fire extinguishers based on organic and inorganic salts as well as organic surface and interface active surfactants which provide for its outstanding efficiency. It is used undiluted with portable extinguishers and sprinkler systems to extinguish fires of solid materials (class A) and of non-polar liquid fires (class B) according to DIN EN 3.

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Make Dr. Sthamer
Manufacturer Fabrik Chemischer Praeparate von Dr Richard Sthamer GmbH & Co KG
Category Fire and Rescue>Foam Equipment
Model code MOUSSEAL-C
Hazard Class A
Additional info

Dr. Sthamer MOUSSEAL-C is a ready-to-use aqueous film forming foam premix solution for use in fire extinguishers based on organic and inorganic salts as well as organic surface and interface active surfactants which provide for its outstanding efficiency. It is used undiluted with portable extinguishers and sprinkler systems to extinguish fires of solid materials (class A) and of non-polar liquid fires (class B) according to DIN EN 3.

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