Tyco SIN TY3261 flush pendent quick-response fire sprinkler

Product Profile

The Tyco® Model TY-QRF, 5.6 K-factor, flush pendent sprinklers are quick response - standard coverage decorative fusible solder type sprinklers. They are designed for use in commercial light and ordinary hazard occupancies such as offices and restaurants.

The TY-QRF features a separable escutcheon providing 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) vertical adjustment. This adjustment reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut to help assure a perfect fit installation.

Physical characteristics

Body: Bronze
Deflector: Copper
Valve Cap: Brass
Orifice Seal: Copper
Heat Collectors: Copper

Technical Specification

Make Tyco
Manufacturer Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products
Model code SIN TY3261
Temp. rating (°C) 57~77
Standards Other
Additional info

Type: flush pendent. K Factor: 5.6. Maximum working pressure: 175 psi. Temperature rating: 162°F/72°C. Vertical adjustment: 3/8 inch. Finishes: white, black and chrome.