Super Vac 718b PPV variable speed fan

Technical Specification

  • Make: Super Vac
  • Model code: 718b
  • Speed: Variable
Additional info:

The 718b is a variable speed, Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) fan powered by a 24V battery that features a reliable 18 inch cast aluminum airfoil blade. It has solid cushion tires for easy transportation and step brake that locks both wheels into position.

Make Super Vac
Manufacturer Super Vacuum Mfg. Co., Inc. (Super Vac)
Model code 718b
Speed Variable
Additional info

The 718b is a variable speed, Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) fan powered by a 24V battery that features a reliable 18 inch cast aluminum airfoil blade. It has solid cushion tires for easy transportation and step brake that locks both wheels into position.