Reliable Automatic Sprinklers JL-14 ESFR early suppression fast response sprinkler

Technical Specification

  • Make: Reliable Automatic Sprinklers
  • Model code: JL-14 ESFR
  • NFPA temperature class: Ordinary
  • Standards: NFPA
  • Temp. rating (°C): 57~77
Additional info:

The Reliable model JL-14 early suppression fast response (ESFR) Sprinkler is intended for use againstsevere fire challenges. This sprinkler is designed to respond quickly to growing fires and will deliver a heavy water discharge to “suppress” rather than “control” fires. This sprinkler is intended for protection of palletized and solid piled and open frame single row, double row, multiple row and portable rack storage of most common materials including unexpanded and cartoned expanded plastics.

Make Reliable Automatic Sprinklers
Manufacturer Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co. Inc.
Model code JL-14 ESFR
NFPA temperature class Ordinary
Standards NFPA
Temp. rating (°C) 57~77
Additional info

The Reliable model JL-14 early suppression fast response (ESFR) Sprinkler is intended for use against
severe fire challenges. This sprinkler is designed to respond quickly to growing fires and will deliver a heavy water discharge to “suppress” rather than “control” fires. This sprinkler is intended for protection of palletized and solid piled and open frame single row, double row, multiple row and portable rack storage of most common materials including unexpanded and cartoned expanded plastics.