20 Oct 2010

Zephyr BioHarnesses records the miners' vital signs, pulse, heart rhythm and breathing.

Zephyr Technology, developers of Physiological Status Monitoring (PSM) solutions for First Responders, announce that they have been working with Chilean Government in their efforts to monitor the health and fitness levels of the 33 trapped miners trapped for nearly two months.

For the past two weeks, the miners have been preparing for their rescue, sending keepsakes up in the same capsules that carry food, clean clothes, medicine, monitoring systems and other supplies down through a narrow borehole to their underground cavern.

Sports Physician Jean Romagnoli said that the Zephyr BioHarnesses™ records the miners' vital signs, pulse, heart rhythm and breathing. These small bio-metric monitors, mounted on chest belts, had been sent down to the miners to help keep track of their physical condition. He said the miners are working out for at least one hour a day to ensure they keep their weight down and can fit into the rescue capsule.

Romagnoli has been monitoring the miners since the August 5th cave in. He explains that knowing how they are in the mine is vital to the medical care they receive once they are rescued from the San Jose mine, near the city of Copiapo, north of Santiago.