11 Aug 2010
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescure
Service fined the China Wok £15,000 

A reminder for businesses to makesure they follow the fire safety requirements by North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service has issued a reminder for businesses to ensure they comply with fire safety requirements after a restaurant owner was slapped with a fine of £15,000 for not abiding by the rules.

The breaches came to light after a fire started at China Wok restaurant in Stokesley, north Yorkshire, in January this year, which resulted in two people being trapped on the upper floors of the premises. Fire fighters were able to rescue them, but subsequent investigations revealed breaches of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which included a lack of a fire alarm and detection system.

Mr Shun Lin Lam was found guilty of ten breaches, including allowing people to sleep on the premises without an escape route, emergency lighting or a fire extinguisher. Prosecuting officer Karen Galloway said: "The contraventions in this case were serious and would have continued had the fire authority not acted immediately by serving a prohibition notice on the responsible person."

While fire detection and alarm systems are critical to identifying a fire the moment it starts, fire risk assessments are aimed at eliminating or minimising potential dangers that could lead to a blaze