1 Sep 2008

Vimpex Fire-Cryer® Voice Sounders have been used for many years at London Underground stations where their switchable four messages have ensured that travellers and staff alike are kept informed of any alarm situation. A special coded message is used to ensure that customers are not unduly alarmed during systems alert.

Now, the London Transport Museum has emulated the Underground by installing Fire-Cryer® Voice Sounders at the Covent Garden location. A mixture of wall-mounted standard Fire-Cryers® and large bracket-mounted Maxi Fire-Cryers® have been installed to ensure clarity of speech during evacuation. In the event of an incident, confusion is eliminated as the Fire-Cryer's® clear and unambiguous broadcasts can be both heard and understood by staff and the public.

There are now dozens of sites in London utilising Fire-Cryer® Voice Sounders. They are particularly popular for use in public licensed premises where it has been proven the provision of voice is much more effective at evacuating the public than sound alone.

The Fire-Cryer® range is the most extensive range of voice sounders available on the market today with five models to choose from and literally millions of message combinations, any site requirement can be fulfilled. The units require no special wiring and can be retrofitted to existing installations. They can be fully synchronised and have a low current consumption allowing simple replacement of existing sounders and bells. The Fire-Cryer's® multi-message capability also ensures that ‘system test' and ‘all clear' messages can be easily transmitted voiding confusion with the fire/evacuation alarm.

Details of the Fire-Cryer® range can be downloaded from the Vimpex website where visitors can also access a range of video clips covering the history and application of voice sounders.