7 Mar 2025

VIKING is a pioneer in winterisation technologies for lifeboats and rescue boats. They have actively participated in SAREX I, SAREX II, and SAREX III, field-based lifeboat survival tests in polar conditions.

The expeditions provided unique insights into the complexities of Polar operation, and its risks and challenges for the lifesaving equipment. With this knowledge they have developed concepts for winterized equipment, from equipment standards and maintenance to operation procedures. They deliver Polar Code compliant lifeboats and rescue boats for passenger and cargo vessels, as well as offshore and defence professionals.

Providing unique insights

The Technology Qualification (TQ) is defined as "The process of providing evidence that the technology will function within specified limits with an acceptable level of confidence".

TQ - basis:

  • DNVGL-OS-A201 - basic, cold and arctic
  • NORSOK N-003
  • MODU code amendment
  • Polar Code
  • Rules for ships DNV-GL
  • LSA Code   

VIKING is the only manufacturer with approved deliveries to DNV-OS-A201 for oil rigs.

Equipment winterization upgrades

VIKING offers a number of equipment winterization upgrades.

Stowage and anti-icing measure

  • Soft and hard shell enclosures
  • Space heating and heat tracing
  • Embarkation weather shelters
  • Drainage of sea water inherent to the design

Special measures

  • Suitable material grades
  • Use of suitable fluids and lubricants


  • Provide heating (engine, lifeboat interior)
  • Management of condensation
  • Provide for long time habitation inside lifeboat (Polar Code)
  • Evaluate material / Charpy testing of materials
  • Protect from ice (stability / propeller)
  • Use of suitable lubricants and seals
  • Improve communication facility
  • Improve air quality


  • Test certificates
  • Manufacturers work certificate

Suitable working environment

VIKING Norsafe has extensive experience supporting projects with requirements for extreme high and low temperatures, providing a suitable working environment for crew activities without environmental interruption or damage.

The enclosure concept meets NORSOK design parameters and the need for DNVGL-ST-E406 equivalency in terms of occupant boat and davit concepts. The equipment can be produced for any of our existing approved boat and davit concepts.


  • Maintains Norsok R-002 technologies from the existing range
  • Full Norsok S-002 access to all maintenance points
  • Illumination within enclosure as Norsok S-002
  • Material handling jib included for lifting of components within the enclosure
  • Noise reduction during lifeboat drills