22 Apr 2024

The safety and well-being of VIKING’s employees is their top priority. To honor their employees, their global production facilities and service stations are all built to the same high standards, regardless of geography. 

They never compromise on their work environment, even if local conditions in some places allow it.

Safety - a top priority for VIKING

In 2023, safety continued to be a top priority across their organization, personified by their mascot - Safety Bob, who travels the world to raise awareness around this important topic in a motivating and engaging way.

They have also continued to host their ‘Global Safety Hour’ events every 6 months, where they gather employees and managers to discuss current issues, roles and responsibilities in safety, as well as how to uphold their safety culture.

ISO 45001 efforts

In 2023, VIKING continued to include sites under the ISO 45001 certification in supplement to ISO 9001

In 2023, VIKING continued to include sites under the ISO 45001 certification in supplement to ISO 9001, which covers all their production and service sites.

Among other requirements, ISO 45001 obliges them to systematically identify risks and hazards to occupational health and safety, as well as to determine the necessary controls in collaboration with their employees.

The management principles are based on the well-established Plan-Do-Check-Act improvement cycle that supports continuous improvement. Viking expects to continue adding sites under the ISO 45001 certification in 2024.

New Safety Committee in 2023

In 2023, they saw a slight increase in reported safety incidents across their global production sites. It is difficult to know whether these numbers are based on an actual increase, or whether they are caused by increased awareness and a more transparent process for reporting.

Whatever the case, this development prompted them to launch a VIKING Safety Committee in mid-2023 with the clear purpose of building and adjusting the roadmap for avoiding safety incidents through targeted process optimization, effective communication, knowledge-sharing and other local or global measures.

Detailed data analysis

Viking Safety Committee consists of five experts and is chaired by a member of top management

The decided efforts are based on detailed data analysis, and the methods used mirror global best practices.

The Viking Safety Committee consists of five experts and is chaired by a member of their top management.

Continued focus on safety

In a world that is constantly changing, so is safety. With the ongoing introduction of new products, new facilities, new materials and new production equipment, they are committed every day to ensuring that VIKING stays at the forefront of health and safety.

Going forward, they will continue to train all their managers and employees in safety procedures and safety behavior, just as they will continue to expand their robust system for reporting safety issues.