30 Mar 2023

Victoria Mayor - Marianne Alto has released the following statement in response to the 2023 federal budget: "The federal budget includes measures that will safeguard and improve the livability and sustainability of Victoria. The budget commitments to help cities fight climate change, build affordable housing, and protect our communities from natural disasters are especially notable. But rapid implementation of those commitments, in close collaboration with municipal governments, is essential."

homelessness and substance misuse

The Mayor's statement adds, "Resolving the linked homelessness and substance misuse crises in Victoria is a high priority of our government. The $4 billion allocated in the 2023 federal budget for an Urban, Rural, and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy will be crucial to that work. Unfortunately, repeated delays of that strategy have harmed Indigenous housing projects in Victoria. Simply put funding from the strategy must begin flowing to projects this year."

Substance Use and Addictions Program

The statement continues, "The renewal of the Substance Use and Addictions Program will help Victoria deploy much-needed harm reduction, treatment, and prevention programs. All levels of government need to collaborate on more ambitious complex care support at the nexus of mental health, substance use, and homelessness."

Smart Cities Challenge

Victoria Mayor - Marianne Alto said, "Cities are on the front lines of fighting climate change. As a coastal and island community, Victoria is especially vulnerable to climate change and its effects on oceans. I’m excited to compete in the new round of the Smart Cities Challenge, focused on climate resiliency, and I applaud the new federal funding to protect the Southern Resident killer whales. These are important responses to local environmental priorities. The planned, new low-cost flood insurance program is also welcome for our ocean-side communities."

sustainable transportation and transit

The Mayor's statement adds, "Recent federal budgets made some essential investments in infrastructure and public transit, but those key municipal assets are still struggling, and municipalities have few funding tools to address that. Investing in sustainable transportation and transit is central to creating livable cities and attaining Canada’s emissions reduction goals."

stable, predictable infrastructure

The statement concludes, "The federal budget commits to reviewing federal infrastructure funding and taking steps to establish the promised $3 billion per year Permanent Public Transit Fund (PPTF). Consultation with municipalities must be a core part of those initiatives. In future federal budgets, rapid roll-out of the PPTF and a permanent doubling of the Canada Community Building Fund are needed to provide stable, predictable infrastructure and transit funding to municipalities. The City of Victoria will continue to work with the federal government for the benefit of all our residents."