18 Jun 2014
VdS Fire Safety Cologne combines four VdS conferences, a science forum and fair for fire protection in the Rhineland

Ever since fire protection systems were established in Europe, VdS has been ensuring their reliability. On its conferences, the institute imparts its experiences on saving lives and entire sites gained in far more than 100 years to international experts. On the occasion of the VdS Fire Safety Cologne, four of the most important VdS conferences, including the international expert meeting on "Fire Extinguishing Systems" (with simultaneous translation German-English) will take place in the Cologne fair centre on 9th and 10th of December.

As usual VdS will offer a wide range of topics presented by experts of the most different fields; these include e.g. sprinkler trends across Europe, the design of systems in areas of conflict between building law and users demands, risk assessment and protection concepts for flammable liquids.

“At the conference, safety concepts for interesting applications will be presented along with current developments in technology, standardisation and application”, states Ingeborg Schlosser, head of the VdS Training Centre. The expected hundreds of fire protection experts also have free access to the only fire safety fair in the Rhineland with many exhibitors presenting a variety of innovations. And of course the Cologne Christmas market will be open at that time.