18 Aug 2022

Integrations will enable alerting authorities to disseminate wireless emergency alerts to the public in near real-time through vehicle navigation and entertainment systems.

The Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate concluded a proof-of-concept demonstration of the wildland urban interface (WUI) integration model that integrates next-generation technologies with FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and GPS navigation applications and cutting-edge technologies.

Emergency alerts

These integrations enable alerting authorities to disseminate wireless emergency alerts to the public in near real-time, with new capabilities such as displaying hazard and evacuation alert information through vehicle entertainment and navigation systems.

The demonstration was conducted at the Fairfax Emergency Operations Center and in a field location in Fairfax County, Virginia, in collaboration with the FEMA IPAWS program, Fairfax County Office of Emergency Management, and HAAS Alert, Inc.

Vehicle navigation and entertainment systems

These integrations enable alerting authorities to disseminate wireless emergency alerts to the public

Integrations will enable alerting authorities to disseminate wireless emergency alerts to the public in near real-time through vehicle navigation and entertainment systems.

The Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate concluded a proof-of-concept demonstration of the wildland urban interface (WUI) integration model that integrates next-generation technologies with FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and GPS navigation applications and cutting-edge technologies.

Emergency alerts

These integrations enable alerting authorities to disseminate wireless emergency alerts to the public in near real-time, with new capabilities such as displaying hazard and evacuation alert information through vehicle entertainment and navigation systems.

The demonstration was conducted at the Fairfax Emergency Operations Center and in a field location in Fairfax County, Virginia, in collaboration with the FEMA IPAWS program, Fairfax County Office of Emergency Management, and HAAS Alert, Inc.