31 Oct 2019

Before winter weather arrives, the USFA fire department should make plans with agencies and organizations responsible for snow removal and water distribution to ensure personnel has access to fire hydrants, buildings, and critical fire protection features, such as fire sprinklers and standpipe connections.

The code

The International Fire Code (IFC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Uniform Fire Codes have requirements to ensure the safety of the public and firefighters.

Unobstructed access to fire hydrants shall be maintained at all times. The fire department shall not be deterred or hindered from gaining immediate access to fire protection equipment or fire hydrants.

Program ideas

Here are some ways to keep fire hydrants accessible during snowstorms:

  • Consider an Adopt-a-Hydrant program. Through public service messages and door-to-door contacts, ask neighbors to shovel out hydrants during their walks and immediately report any faulty hydrants that appear to be damaged or leaking.
  • Work with public works or the street department to identify high-priority hydrant locations that must be kept clear.
  • Consider contracting with a private snow removal service to have hydrants cleared.
  • Install hydrant flags or snow markers that identify a hydrant's location beneath several feet of snow.
  • Check drafting sites or dry hydrants to confirm the water access is not covered by ice or that the dry hydrant is plugged.