10 Feb 2022

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) has released its fourth National Fire Service Research Agenda with over 300 research recommendations broken down into 3 topical domains: hiring, retention and advancement; effective operations; and health and safety.

Enhancing abilities

With a goal of enhancing the ability of all fire service members (career, volunteer, wildland, industrial, etc.) to protect their communities, while protecting their own health and safety, these recommendations will help to guide future research to answer questions such as:

  • How can tactical research be translated effectively into training?
  • How can we gain a better understanding of the health risks associated with firefighting?
  • What are the most effective communication strategies to use with potential recruits, new personnel, a diverse workforce, governing bodies and the public?

Symposium and report

The symposium and report support the NFFF's Everyone Goes Home® program, which establishes 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, the seventh of which is to 'create a national research agenda and data collection system'.

Anyone can download the National Firefighter Research Agenda report at the NFFF's Everyone Goes Home website PDF.