26 Jan 2024

Twiceme, a Swedish safe-tech company committed to empowerment through safety before and after an accident, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with the National Ski Patrol (NSP) of the United States of America (USA).

This collaboration not only exemplifies Twiceme's dedication to aligning with influential global rescue organizations, but also serves as a pivotal step in raising awareness of how to implement and utilize Twiceme's safety technology within ski patrol teams and for a general increase in on-mountain and visitor safety.

health monitoring

The Twiceme app offers consumers situational awareness and equipment health monitoring

Twiceme focuses on protecting users before and after an accident. Before an accident occurs, the Twiceme app offers consumers situational awareness and equipment health monitoring. In the crucial moments post-accident, Twiceme streamlines rescue efforts by providing rescuers with instant access to critical information about the injured person.

This information is accessible through their integrated medical ID that users can upload to their equipment, making it easily accessible for rescuers in critical situations.

situational awareness

"This partnership with the National Ski Patrol is a significant step forward for Twiceme," said Christian Connolly, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Twiceme.

Christian Connolly adds, "By joining forces with NSP, we aim to spread knowledge and awareness of Twiceme’s technology among ski resorts in the USA, with the ultimate aim of safer mountain bike trails and ski slopes.”

improved response time

The National Ski Patrol is recognized for its commitment to safety, education, and rescue services in winter sports. Collaborating with Twiceme, NSP aims to leverage technology for improved response times and visitor safety.

"We welcome Twiceme as a partner," said Stephanie Cox, CEO, of National Ski Patrol, adding "Their dedication to safety aligns perfectly with our mission. Together, we strive to elevate safety standards and response efficiency."