In January 2021, UKAS launched its new national accreditation symbols, designed to better illustrate the diversity of what UKAS accreditation encompasses and to reflect UKAS as a modern, international and forward-thinking organization.
A timeframe was provided for all accredited customers to transition their use of the UKAS symbols of accreditation from the old branding into the new.
Confirming accreditation status
As of 1st February 2022, it has been expected that all digital materials relating to the symbols of accreditation be in the new branding. From 1st February 2023, it has been necessary for all printed materials relating to the symbols of accreditation be in the new branding.
The final deadline is 1st February 2024, after which all UKAS certificates of accreditation must be in the new branding.
UKAS symbols of accreditation are an important badge
The UKAS symbols of accreditation are an important badge that indicates the accreditation status for various activities.
Having been granted accreditation, correct use of the UKAS symbols is an important aspect of maintaining accreditation and many assessments result in improvement actions that could easily be avoided by adhering to the following guidance:
- Ensure the accreditation number is included under the symbol or is included in the statement confirming accreditation status. Without this information it will not be possible to confirm the accreditation status by tracing this number back to the schedule of accreditation.
- The title or logo of the organization should appear more prominently than the symbol of accreditation.
- Please make sure that the symbol is clear and legible in all usage. This is easily achieved by using the originally supplied symbol, which can be requested again by emailing
- Please ensure that any accredited output (e.g. reports or certificates) showing the UKAS symbol of accreditation includes at least one accredited activity, otherwise it cannot be legitimately included.