13 Jan 2023

Fire safety is important to implement everywhere, including the home. Yet, many people may not realize how many fire protection items are available and practical to keep in the house in the unfortunate event that a fire does break out.

Mentioned below are some essential fire safety items to consider keeping at home.

Fire Alarm System

Every home should have a smoke detector in place as the most basic level of fire protection. Though it is not a legal requirement to have a smoke alarm in place in the home (other than in rented properties), it is strongly recommended and could impact the insurance, if not there.

Smoke alarms are apt at detecting when there is a fire in the home

Smoke alarms are apt at detecting when there is a fire in the home and alerting residents of such, allowing them to take the necessary actions to keep themselves and their family safe. To take these a level further, they can be attached to home sprinklers to create an even more effective fire alarm system.

Sprinklers triggered by the smoke alarm going off

These sprinklers are triggered by the smoke alarm going off, causing them to release water that can help to extinguish the fire, stop it from spreading and/or stop harmful smoke and gases from harming any occupants.

These are especially useful for controlling a fire and giving residents a chance to evacuate, while waiting for the fire brigade to arrive. If the house is empty when a fire breaks out, some even have the capability to notify the fire department in their absence.

Fire Blanket

A fire blanket is an incredibly useful fire safety item to keep at home. They are easily stored thanks to them being folded up into a compact case, but are incredibly effective when used in action thanks to their highly flame-resistant properties.

They can be used to extinguish small fires by being placed over them to cut the oxygen supply, or can be wrapped around an individual to offer a layer of protection, when in a house fire and trying to evacuate or waiting to be helped by the fire department, if escape is not possible.

Fire Extinguisher

Any extinguisher with an ABC rating is most recommended for home use

Fire extinguishers don’t just have to be for businesses and public buildings, but they are readily available to keep at home, as well. Any extinguisher with an ABC rating is most recommended for home use and should be stored somewhere high up, near an exit and away from heat sources.

Never attempt to put out a fire yourself if it is large, there is too much smoke and/or residents are not near an accessible exit, in the case that the extinguisher may not be able to put the fire out completely.

Fire Escape Ladder

If there is no safe escape route from the second story of the home (as many likely won’t), then investing in a fire escape ladder is a smart option. These ladders hook over the house windows for security, while the length of the ladder then hangs out the window for residents to climb down to the ground.

They are built on a chain so that they can be folded up for storage and to allow them to fit out the window, often with wall rests along the length of the ladder to keep it away from the wall, making it easier and more stable to climb down.

For residents looking to improve the fire protection in their home, Thameside Fire Protection offers fire alarms, sprinklers and extinguishers, along with other fire protection services. Feel free to contact them with any questions regarding their fire safety services.