20 Nov 2018

Great success of Tema Sistemi at Sicurtech Village 2018, the itinerant event dedicated to the topics concerning the "culture of fire safety and the solutions and technical-regulatory aspects". The event held on November 14 in Venice, saw the participation of several speakers who dealt with the issues of passive protection and fire prevention measures for a correct management of fire safety between prevention, good practice in operation and maintenance.

For Tema Sistemi, Eng. Nicola Denunzio, expert in fire safety attended the event. In particular, during the intervention, Eng. Denunzio explained "How technology revolutionizes the management of firefighting systems" with reference to two examples:

  • Smart pumping groups and remote control systems (Aquatech Deluxe Smart)
  • Digital Maintenance Interface (VEGA)

The intervention has shown how technology can bring advantage both in the operating phase and in the maintenance phase.