5 Jan 2022

All high-rise residential buildings in South Yorkshire have now been inspected by the county’s fire service, as part of a mammoth Government-backed project.

The team of inspectors made up of staff from South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue’s business safety department, started their ambitious inspection program in November 2021.

Building Risk Review project

This came as part of a Government-driven ‘Building Risk Review’ project that sought to significantly increase the pace of high-rise inspection activity across the country. In scope for the inspectors were all high-rise residential buildings, across South Yorkshire, that were over 18 meters in height.

They aimed to have inspected all of these buildings by the end of 2021, a target that, much to the delight of the team and senior officers across the service, has been met.

completing building inspection

It's good news for residents right across the county who can sleep that little bit easier"

When the team set out on this project, we all knew that the timescales were very ambitious, and a lot of hard work and dedication would be needed to meet them,” said Area Manager - Simon Dunker, the service’s Head of Prevention and Protection at the time this project began.

He adds, “What they have done is remarkable and they should all be proud for our service to have inspected all our high-rise residential buildings in just over a year is fantastic. And this isn’t just good news for us, either. It's good news for residents right across the county who can sleep that little bit easier, now, knowing that these checks have been done.”

work around high-rise buildings

Celebrations aside, inspectors are keen to stress that their work around high-rise buildings will still carry on throughout 2022 and beyond.

The inspection team will continue to work with building management and owners to ensure the project’s findings are implemented. They will also join back up with other business fire safety officers who have been continuing to inspect all buildings, regardless of height, over the last 12 months.