15 Feb 2010

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has won a top EU award for its excellent road safety work
The Shropshire FRS was praised by the EU for being committed to improving road safety by launching informative campaigns and educating road users.

It was recognised as the best institution among those signing up to the European Road Safety Charter for innovative and successful schemes in the annual Excellence in Road Safety Awards run by the European Commission.

The Shropshire fire service beat nine other UK fire services to the title after all had signed up to the EU Road Safety charter.

Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority chairman Stuart West and John Das Gupta, Shropshire SFRS Area Manager, Head of District Performance, went to Brussels to receive the coveted award from Antonio Tajani, EC transport Vice-President.

The commissioner said that it was of "utter importance" to reduce the number of road fatalities on a local, national and European level.

Mr West said that Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service was working hard to educate motorists and motorcyclists through a variety of campaigns to help cut the county's death and injury toll.  Over the past year, road traffic collisions in Shropshire are down 30 from 303 to 273.

The fire service in Shropshire won the institutions category beating organisations from across Europe to take the accolade. The Shropshire FRS was praised by the EU for being "committed" to improving road safety by launching informative campaigns and educating road users including young people, bikers and cyclists.

The Shropshire fire service beat nine other UK fire services to the title after all had signed up to the EU Road Safety charter

Newly qualified drivers from schools and colleges are educated by fire crews about road safety and the FRS has just introduced an innovative scheme with the Shropshire branch of the Institute of Advanced Motorists to put young motorists through the advanced driver scheme at courses run from county fire stations.

A road safety officer responsible for co-ordinating the projects has also been appointed.

"We are committed to reducing road deaths and injuries in Shropshire. It is a prestigious award from the EU and we are very pleased to have been chosen especially with such tough competition from other UK fire services which are also making tremendous efforts in road safety education," said  Mr John Das Gupta.

Shropshire FRS was among six of the best initiatives with commendations also going to a Portugal haulage company for educating its drivers; a Polish carrier for improving the skills of truck drivers; a group of Prague mums who have increased road safety for children and Swedish planners who have rebuilt crossings and extended bike routes to improve road safety.