31 Aug 2009

National Preparedness Month 2009 aims to spread awareness of the need for shared preparedness
National campaign designed to highlight need for shared preparedness

Led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Ready Campaign and Citizen Corps, National Preparedness Month is held each September and is designed to raise awareness and promote action surrounding emergency preparedness among citizens, businesses and communities.

Gary Jones, Acting Regional Administrator for FEMA Region VI said: "It's extremely important for everyone to ensure their safety and that of their family by making plans and putting an emergency kit together now, rather than waiting until something happens."

To see a list of more than 1,200 national, regional, tribal, state and local businesses and organizations which have pledged their support and joined the 2009 National Preparedness Month (NPM) Coalition please click here.

For more information on the Ready Campaign and NPM, please visit www.ready.gov or www.listo.gov. Information is also available by phone at 1-800-BE-READY or 1-888-SE-LISTO.

For information on Citizen Corps, to download the study, and to find the over 2,300 local communities who have created Citizen Corps Councils to strengthen collaboration between government and civic leaders and to educate, train, and involve the public, please click here.

For additional preparedness information, please follow these links: