13 Oct 2023

Securiton has published a new comprehensive design guide to installing Very Early Warning Fire Detection in hospitals and large clinics. The free guide, available from Securiton’s new dedicated healthcare webpage, details the use of aspirating smoke detectors to protect sensitive areas such as operating theatres, MRI rooms, and X-ray suites.

The document details fire detection challenges such as the use of differential air pressure in hospitals to minimize infection risks, as well as the need to minimize disruption from testing and maintenance. It then offers illustrated plans of how to effectively protect these areas.

Specific hazards and challenges

Markus Mueller, Director of Vertical Application Management at Securiton, said: "Hospitals have some very specific hazards and challenges, which is why we think that ASD is the best solution."

He adds, "On the one hand, they are big, complex buildings with large numbers of visitors, and of course many people who would not be able to evacuate themselves. Even a partial evacuation of a hospital is extremely undesirable and if it is done, there must be enough time for staff to get patients to safety. So, Very Early Warning Fire Detection can help with this."

Fire detection methods

Markus Mueller continues: "Secondly, there are specific hazards such as oxygen and chemicals. Surgical fires in an operating theatre often present a significant risk to life safety, for example. Such fires can potentially spread rapidly due to the presence of extremely flammable materials in an often small and enclosed space."

This year Securiton has revamped its design support library. Generally, Securiton’s design guides and case studies cover difficult and dirty industrial applications. However, hospitals were also considered a challenging area worthy of special fire detection methods and early warning. Other recent publications include design guides for heritage buildings and classified hazardous areas.