ONESuit® Pro is single-skin, fully encapsulated, Level A chemical protective ensembles |
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics announced recently that 124 of its ONESuit® Pro chemical protective suits have been purchased by the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System - Illinois (MABAS-IL), a statewide mutual-aid response system for fire, emergency medical services (EMS) and specialized incident-operations teams. The system defines a resource response plan to any location within the state when the Governor orders a Declaration of Disaster. If called upon, MABAS will also send response teams to anywhere in the United States.
“Our goal is to provide emergency service units with the highest level of protection and comfort, so they can do their job efficiently and keep the community and themselves safe,” said Peter Kirk, Market Manager at Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics. “All of our products are created by working with firefighters and other disaster response teams to understand their needs. We are looking forward to working with this state-wide service, and learning from them to continue finding new ways to protect hazmat teams and the communities they serve.”
The MABAS specialized operations teams, which are sent to manage incidents involving hazardous materials, will be using the ONESuit® Pro. The ONESuit® Pro is one of Saint-Gobain’s single-skin, fully encapsulated, Level A chemical protective ensembles. The product is certified to the National Fire Protection Agency’s (NFPA) 1991 and 1994 standards, assuring optimal protection from the most hazardous dangers. Its single-skin design makes it lightweight, and easy to maneuver in difficult situations.
“The Illinois MABAS is not only a leading resource for emergency response, but it also is dedicated to providing advanced protection for its responders,” said Steve Demas, President of Environmental Safety Group, the distributor MABAS-IL worked with to partner with Saint-Gobain. “The affordability for this type of product was important, as it is all over the world, so this along with the superior combination of safety and comfort provided by ONESuit® Pro is what made their decision.”
MABAS-Illinois includes approximately 35,000 of Illinois’ 40,000 firefighters who staff emergency response units including more than 1,500 fire stations, 2,495 engine companies, 469 ladder trucks, 1,100 ambulances (mostly paramedic capable), 297 heavy rescue squads, and 788 water tenders.
The ONESuit® product line meets rigorous NFPA requirements with a lightweight, single-skin design, allowing for maximum user protection and comfort in order to best complete dangerous missions. ONESuit® protective gear also offers flame-resistance and extended shelf life, and is compactable for convenient, space-saving storage.