7 Nov 2022

At 14h31 on Monday afternoon, 7 November 2022, the SACFS responded to a truck fire on Carawa Road, approximately 30 kilometers east of Smoky Bay, South Australia.

Damage due to fire

The SACFS firefighters found a prime mover and its trailer in flames when they arrived at the scene. The driver of the truck was unharmed by the fire.

SACFS crews were able to save the second trailer, however, the prime mover and the first trailer, along with its contents of wheat, were destroyed by the fire.

Adjacent grass fire

The truck fire set the adjacent grassland alight after which 6 Farm Fire Units worked to contain the grass fire. A grader was also used to create a mineral earth break to stop the fire from spreading.

The fire caused in excess of $350,000 in damage to the truck, trailer, and contents. The SACFS was supported by Farm Fire Units during the incident.