8 Nov 2021

The new UKAS publication GEN 6 - Reference to accreditation and multilateral recognition signatory status by UKAS accredited bodies, was issued on 1st November 2021.

This applies to all types of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and sets out UKAS policy on references to accreditation and MLA signatory status, in line with European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) mandatory document EA-3/01 M.

UKAS publication LAB 1 Reference to Accreditation for Laboratories has been withdrawn as requirements are now covered in GEN 6.

UKAS policy to reflect EA requirements

It is a mandatory need that all accredited bodies clearly reference accreditation on all reports

Please note the following change in UKAS policy to reflect EA requirements.

It is a mandatory requirement that all accredited bodies clearly reference accreditation on all reports and/or certificates that include accredited results and outcomes, unless explicitly agreed in a legal or documented arrangement between the accredited body and its customer, subject to the following:

  • Where, through agreement, the report/certificate does not refer to accreditation then the accredited body shall inform its customer that the report/certificate cannot be regarded as having been issued under its accreditation, and therefore it is not covered by the multilateral agreements (i.e. EA MLA, ILAC MRA, and IAF MLA) that UKAS is a signatory of.
  • Agreements not to make reference to accreditation cannot be applied when the reports/certificates containing accredited results and outcomes relate to activities where accreditation is mandatory by law or under contractual conditions (e.g.: under a conformity assessment scheme) or when they are to be displayed or sent to third parties (public or authorities). In such cases, the use of the accreditation symbol or a claim of accreditation status is mandatory, unless prevented by legal or regulatory requirements.

EA MLA on applicable reports

The European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) is currently developing a logo to promote the EA MLA, and which will be available for use by UKAS-accredited CABs on applicable reports and certificates to promote their acceptance across Europe. 

In the meantime, CABs are permitted to make reference to the fact that UKAS is a signatory to the EA MLA on applicable reports and certificates as prescribed in EA publication EA-3/01.