10 Jul 2023

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is consulting on two options: the reinstatement of operations and closure of the station. The public and stakeholders can take part between Monday, 10 July, and Friday, 18 August, 2023.

The South Lanarkshire-based station has not been operational for more than eight years due to incident data, building maintenance issues, recruitment challenges, and best-value considerations, with nearby fire stations providing cover at this time. The lease of the building has also ended and SFRS is now considering the best way forward.

Representatives from the local community

The decision will be based on robust data, delivering community safety, best value, and feedback

The decision will be based on robust data, delivering community safety, best value, and feedback from the community. 

Area Commander - Jim Quinn is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Local Senior Officer for Lanarkshire. He said: "We have already had a constructive dialog with representatives from the local community and I would encourage people to take part and let us know their views."

Community safety and value for money

Jim Quinn adds, "Whatever the outcome, our decision will consider community safety, as well as value for money. Our Board will review the submissions and  report back in September on the final outcome." 

SFRS will continue to liaise with employees who are directly impacted by any decisions and representative bodies for the duration of this process.