21 Dec 2015
Prysmian’s FP200 Gold cables were an essential specification to the extension of the factory

FP200 Gold with excellent data & signal transmission characteristics, is an ideal choice for voice alarm, addressable & networked systems

A substantial volume of Prysmian’s FP200 Gold fire resistant cable has been specified and installed for the fire alarm systems in a significant refurbishment of the Tulip Factory in Redruth, Cornwall.


Tulip is a leading food producer in the UK, with 16 sites across the country, supplying to retail and food service markets and providing the UK consumer with a wide variety of food products. The newly refurbished site opened in August 2015 and the plant is now a base for over 700 employees. With the safety of hundreds of employees as a priority, Prysmian’s FP200 Gold cables were an essential specification to the extension of the factory.

“It was the only cable that was right for the project,” says Marc Gray, Fire and Security Manager of Fire Crest Fire Protection, who was responsible for specifying and installing the cables in the extended building.

“Fire Crest holds BAFE (British Approvals for Fire Equipment) accreditation to SP203, and this requires us to only use cable that meets the performance standards. We are absolutely satisfied that Prysmian cable products have been manufactured and certified to the highest standards, and so are appropriate for use on projects like the one at the Tulip Factory.”

FP200 Gold, is a tough, durable and dressable essential systems cable, and is easy to install and terminate. The cable also has excellent data and signal transmission characteristics, the ideal choice for voice alarm, addressable and networked systems.

“It’s nice to work with and I’ve never had a fault with it – unlike its competitors. The drum doesn’t fall apart, it’s competitively priced and I liked the products. When you lay the cable it holds its shape rather than springing back into a coil which saves time and money.”

Need to meet European fire safety regulation EN13501

Darren Dunstan, head of engineering at the Redruth plant, spoke of the factory’s need to meet European fire safety regulation EN13501, as required by their Danish owner, which have been replicated in the newly-built half of the factory.

Thanks to the installation of Prysmian cables, the 1990s building is now equipped with fire detection and fire alarms which will perform to the highest standard.

Prysmian’s FP range is the original, easy to install and fully compliant fire resistant cable range, approved by engineers, installers and regulators. In the unfortunate event of fire, Prysmian’s ‘standard’ and ‘enhanced’ fire resistant cables retain vital circuit integrity which allows firefighters time to manage the fire and gives an increased chance of evacuating the building safely.