7 Apr 2010
A change in schedule has been brought up for open enrollment courses 

All updated policies were emailed and mailed to users of open enrollment courses.

The Fire Science Academy has recently updated policies governing seats on hold, course review, "no show"students, and student cancellations, reschedules, substitutions and refunds. A copy of the updated policies were recently emailed or sent via standard mail to frequent users of the FSA Open Enrollment courses. The updates are available for review on  www.fireacademy.unr.edu.

As part of the FSA's continuing efforts to enhance customer service, students will no longer need to contact the FSA to determine the status of the course(s) in which they are enrolled. After review, the FSA will contact students with their course status. Reviews will now take place 28 calendar days prior to the course date. This should provide students potential travel savings as they can now schedule their travel with a longer lead time. One change to note is the update to the seats on hold policy. Any on hold seats for which a completed registration has not been received 30 days prior to the class start date will now be released and not counted during the course review.