1 Jul 2019

POK S.A.S products are assembled by highly trained and experienced industry professionals. This does not prevent them from having to continuously be trained and gain knowledge on new products. For this reason, the most experienced people pass on their knowledge to the new recruits.

Manufacturing procedures are also continuously renewed and made available in the workshop by a person in charge of the assembly and test procedures. The drawings are made available in order to understand each sub-set. The professional can, therefore, read drawings and technical documents.

Close collaboration between different departments

The work is done in close collaboration with the quality department, method department and design office

The work is done in close collaboration with the quality department, method department and design office to answer questions and improve manufacturing in all its aspects. The necessary working tools are provided and are regularly reviewed in order to guarantee the constant quality of work.

The professional decides on the best way to organize his work based on the quantity of parts to be manufactured. He fixes templates to facilitate assembly and improve accuracy. There is no production chain work and the assembly is generally done for all the devices alone, from beginning to end.

Of course, depending on the complexity and quantity of devices to be assembled, this work can be shared between several people. The specialist must, therefore, organize himself as well as possible to optimize the assembly time with the allocated space. He can discuss each constraint with his manager in order to find the best solution.

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)

The PDCA is the Plan-Do-Check-Act, a way to manage improvements using a sheet that everyone must complete when a problem arises. This makes it possible to continuously improve production and to inform the quality that is responsible for solving the problem at the source and to inform the applicant.

The professional must also perform manual part finishing operations, such as drilling, de-burring or sanding. He also has to glue during assembly and use other products that require knowledge of basic safety rules.

Compulsory wearing of PPE

For some devices, the professional must carry out electrical wiring operations

For some devices, the professional must carry out electrical wiring operations. It is essential to know the safety rules while carrying out these professional tasks. The wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) is mandatory.

Dress code is also important to protect important members. The devices are tested in a department adjacent to the assembly workshop. For some devices these tests are necessary to adjust the parameters and therefore, the devices make a round trip to be finalized during assembly.

Importance of accuracy and mechanical knowledge

To start working in the assembly workshop, one needs to be very agile, know how to work with precision, be good at solving problems and have good mechanical knowledge. Finally, knowing how to work in a team is essential, because helping others, coaching, communicating and joining the brainstorming session are daily activities.

It is something to be proud of, at the end of the day, when the products assembled with precision and rigor, and after having been tested, are packed and sent to the four corners of the earth