22 Jan 2018

POK®’s product development department works every day to develop the new innovations that will be essential products in the fire-fighting sector. It is with this in mind that POK has developed a tailor-made product for fire truck manufacturers and is pleased to present the Kalipyge. This new product joins the range of remote-controlled monitors.

Designed and manufactured in a unique aluminum alloy, it is ultra-compact. Although it takes up little space, it offers impressive performance: from 1,000 to 4,000 liters per minute. Its maximum capacity in relation to its weight (> 18 kg) makes it an unequalled product on the market.

Remote-Controlled monitor

Its amplitude in site is also remarkable, given its small size: from -35° to +85°. It is equipped with two potentiometers (angular sensors) allowing to know its position in real time. Even in the event of a power failure, the position of the monitor will be known by the control system when the monitor is restarted.

Another advantage of this remote-controlled monitor is its positioning. The Kalypige can be positioned both on the roof of a vehicle and on the front bumper of a vehicle. But if the customer so wishes, it can be mounted on any type of flange and used in other contexts: on towable units, tripods, motorized lifts, usefully serving airports and petrochemical industries in particular. This innovation is patented by POK.