24 Apr 2020

A Peterborough-based fire station has donated more than £1,000 to a local hospice. Staff at Dogsthorpe Fire Station raised the money through their sports and social club.

After seeing a social media post from Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice highlighting the need for support, White Watch agreed with the rest of the station to arrange a donation.


Firefighter Matthew Johnson from White Watch presented the donation of £1,250 to the hospice.

Matthew Johnson said, “I saw the plea on social media that the hospice posted for donations during the pandemic. Through our work, we come across many people in the community who have family or friends who have used Thorpe Hall. Even our staff have had relatives cared for by the hospice."

annual open day fundraising 

The station’s sports and social club raises money throughout the year for good causes"

Matthew Johnson adds, “The station’s sports and social club raises money throughout the year for good causes, such as The Fire Fighters Charity. We always keep an amount of money to one side in case anyone throughout the year comes forward in desperate need of help, particularly from a local charity.”

The main way staff at the station raise money is by hosting an annual open day in the summer.

Supporting local community

Matthew Johnson continues, “Our annual open day is always very well supported by the local community and raises thousands of pounds. We hope to host one again after the pandemic and the social distancing is relaxed. We don’t know when this will be, but hope to be able to soon so we can continue to support local causes.