5 Aug 2019

Open Security & Safety Alliance (OSSA), an industry body comprised of leaders, influencers and innovative organizations from all facets within the security, safety and surveillance industry will have a strong presence at the GSX 2019 (Global Security Exchange 2019) event, being represented in nearly a dozen member booths across the show floor.

OSSA will celebrate its one-year anniversary while in Chicago and demonstrate the rapid progress underway as competing and complementary institutions work together through the Alliance to reduce market fragmentation and friction, while increasing interoperability, trust and prosperity across the physical and cloud-based security markets.

IoT evolution

The IoT evolution is based on connecting humans and the things around them. For the security and safety industry, security and technology products must connect and interoperate. As the IoT evolution continues to progress, users expect products to pair and work alongside each other. There can no longer be product designs in silos and single-brand settings.

OSSA's mission is to work with market players so as to ensure everyone starts from the same ‘recipe’, when it comes to product genesis. The vision is everyone working with a common, vendor-agnostic Operating System (OS) to enhance trust, usability and choice.

Digital marketplace that goes beyond security

The companies can also innovate and differentiate through apps and inventive offerings, by way of a digital marketplace

The companies can also innovate and differentiate through apps and inventive offerings, by way of a digital marketplace, eventually even beyond security and safety. This concept mirrors the approach taken by well-established digital categories, such as the smartphone.

OSSA member companies are already creating the first common Technology Stack specification and defining a common Operating System (OS) for the security and safety market. This software platform revolution will provide a level-set field for all market players and spur innovation as companies design and deliver value propositions through a digital marketplace, where friction no longer exists.

GSX 2019

This marketplace is in motion and planned for early 2020. It will allow everyone to work in a manner that’s familiar, downloading apps to devices/systems for newfound functionality, convenience, safety and satisfaction.

From GSX 2019, member companies will showcase the first prototype cameras based on OSSA’s commonly defined Technology Stack and OS, along with sharing a glimpse into what’s coming as the digital marketplace prepares to launch next year.