13 Feb 2020

A recent article on Cleveland.com features new Emergency Reporting customer Parma Fire Department (OH) and focuses on how the department is saving thousands of dollars by switching from paper records to ER’s cloud-based fire software.

According to the article, “The use of paper, snail mail and man-hours was so pervasive in the department that Fire Chief Mike Laskey estimates that the changeover to Emergency Reporting will save the city more than $10,000 annually.”

The savings come mainly from no longer having to spend on paper and printing costs, significantly more man-hours, and a more expensive outdated incident reporting system.

Cloud-based records management

The department had used another reporting system for many years, but it cost more and didn’t have many of the features that ER’s Fire & EMS records management system (RMS) offers. Aside from saving the department money, Chief Laskey mentioned other benefits, including the ability to save massive amounts of time on inspection paperwork (half an hour compared to three or four weeks).

He also mentioned that because ER is cloud-based, they can easily share information (such as pre-plans) with their other five stations as well as the many other fire departments that use ER in neighboring cities.