3 Dec 2010
$100 million hazard mitigation grant forwarded to the state’s Office of Community Development

FEMA approved $100 million in hazard mitigation grant program to offer additonal funds to the state’s Office of Community Development.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced it has approved an additional $100 million in hazard mitigation grant program funding to the state’s Office of Community Development.

"The OCD program is one of the most ambitious and innovative mitigation projects ever undertaken by a state. Potentially tens of thousands of homeowners will be able to alleviate against future damages to their homes with this federal funding," said FEMA's Regional Administrator for Region VI Tony Russell.

FEMA previously provided $117 million in total to OCD for this statewide project, which provides money to Road Home recipients to elevate, pilot reconstruct and/or retrofit residential structures with storm shutters.

"More Louisiana residents will be able to improve their homes' capabilities to weather future storms as a result of this additional FEMA grant to OCD," said FEMA’s Louisiana Recovery Office Deputy Director of Programs Andre Cadogan. “This safer and smarter approach means valuable assets will be better protected, saving personal expenses as well as tax dollars."

This state-administered project, which is scheduled for completion in approximately three years, will significantly reduce risk to public health and safety.