25 Jan 2010

The NVFC released the Health and Safety Priorities to outline best practice for fire department
Fire Department Network News has released a series of video news stories highlighting the National Volunteer Fire Council's (NVFC) Volunteer Firefighter Health and Safety Priorities. Each segment in the four-part series looks at a different focus area set forth in the Priorities.

The NVFC released the Volunteer Firefighter Health and Safety Priorities to outline best practices every fire department should follow to keep their personnel safe and healthy, and to eliminate preventable death and injury. The Priorities are divided into four focus areas designed to keep departments at their B.E.S.T. - Behavior, Equipment, Standards and Codes, and Training.

The series on FDNNTV.com features an interview with Kevin Quinn, the NVFC's Rhode Island Alternate Director and member of the organization's Health and Safety Committee. Quinn discusses why each of the points in the Priorities is important and necessary to maintain a healthy and safe department.

The Volunteer Firefighter Health and Safety Priorities series will run on FDNNTV.com from January 20-25 and be subsequently be available in the site's archives. The segments are also available on the NVFC site at www.nvfc.org. Learn more about the Priorities and download a B.E.S.T. Practices poster for your department at www.nvfc.org/health_safety.