11 Oct 2018

This week we are saying goodbye to Chief Fire Officer Nigel Hutchinson who is retiring from the fire service on the 10th October. Nigel became Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in 2005, following three years as Deputy Chief Fire Officer.

His fire service career began in West Yorkshire in 1983 and during his time there he served in a variety of roles including operations, fire safety and training, holding senior management positions since 1997.

Talented And Dedicated People

Nigel said: “I have been extremely proud to have served the public of North Yorkshire and the City of York in the role of Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service for such a long period of time.”

I have had the pleasure of working with some really talented and dedicated people, both within my own organisation and in partner agencies, and I wish to express my sincere gratitude to colleagues for their hard work and support to me over the years. I leave with fond memories. However, after more than 13 years in the role and as the Service moves into a new period of change I feel that the time is right to step aside.”

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Jez Rushworth has been appointed as interim CFO/CE with effect from 11th October for a period of three months.