28 May 2012
Correct handling of gas cylinders and investing in a fire extinguisher are some precautions people should take

Following a recent incident where a gas explosion in a caravan caused two casualties to suffer serious burns, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service would like to share a few safety tips to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable camping trip.

Gas cylinders can be dangerous if they are not handled correctly, so here are a few points to follow to keep you safe:

  • Store gas bottles outside on level ground and away from any heat sources.
    Make sure all cylinder valves are turned off when disconnecting.
    Regularly check the gas connection for any leaks or faults.
    Never have a naked light near a gas cylinder.
    Open the tap on empty containers and store them in a suitable place away from any vehicles.
    Install a gas detection system as an early warning for any leaks.
    If you detect a leak, turn off the main cylinder valve.

On average 1,400 fires per year occur in caravans. Here are some safety tips to avoid caravan fires:

  • Install a smoke alarm in your caravan and check it weekly.
  • Never leave cooking unattended.
  • Invest in a fire blanket or fire extinguisher and become familiar with how to use them.
  • Leave a gap of at least 6 metres between caravans and vehicles to avoid the risk of fire spreading.
  • Make yourself aware of the campsite’s procedure in case of fire and stick to it.
  • Make sure you know where the nearest telephone point is.

If your caravan catches fire, make sure that you do the following:

  • Get out as quickly and safely as possible.
  • Stay well back from the caravan and do not make any attempt to go back inside.
  • Call 999 as soon as possible giving your exact location and map reference or landmark where possible.