11 Jun 2010
Eligible programs include auxiliaries, junior firefighter programs, and other non-emergency support programs    

Nominate an outstanding Fire Corps program for the 2010 Fire Corps Award of Excellence. The award, which is sponsored by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) and Fire Protection Publications, honors a Fire Corps program whose remarkable achievements in the fire and emergency services and the community exemplify outstanding performance. Nominations must be received by the Fire Corps national office no later than Friday, August 6, 2010.

To be considered, nominees must be registered with Fire Corps and be part of or affiliated with a fire/EMS department or sponsoring agency representing the fire and emergency services. Eligible programs include auxiliaries, junior firefighter programs, and other non-emergency support programs that meet the criteria for a Fire Corps program. The program must have been active for at least one year and have made a positive impact in the community. The recipient of the Award of Excellence will receive travel for a representative to attend the Fire Corps National Advisory Committee Meeting in Greenbelt, MD, in the fall of 2010 for the award presentation.

Find more information, including nomination forms and requirements, at www.firecorps.org/award. Remember to submit your nomination by August 6 to be considered for the award.

If your community volunteer program is not currently registered with Fire Corps, register for free at http://www.firecorps.org/ to be eligible to nominate your program for the 2011 Fire Corps Award of Excellence.