18 Oct 2010
Emergency Service Response - The
NLPG has got you covered!

Recent press states that, the information used by emergency services does not include new housing estates, should be a thing of the past as first responders make great use of NLPG.

Recent press reports that the information used by emergency services does not include new housing estates should soon be a thing of the past as Police forces and Fire and Rescue Services make greater use of the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG). The NLPG is designed to be the definitive address list for England and Wales.

Whether responding to low level crime or to major incidents, Police forces and Fire and Rescue Services need quick and reliable access to intelligence about new housing estates. These organisations can get access to the latest new build information through the NLPG.

Because the NLPG is created at source by local authorities, Police forces and Fire and Rescue Services have access to daily updates of new intelligence to locate newly built estates. This service is facilitated by Local Government Information House, part of the Local Government Group, through a national agreement with all Local Authorities within England and Wales. The NLPG hub is managed by Intelligent Addressing Ltd. on behalf of local government.

Each Local Authority within England and Wales has a well established process for dealing with new housing developments which are added to their Local Land and Property Gazetteers as part of the planning process. This local intelligence is then submitted to the national hub which provides a single source of addressing for local service provision across England and Wales.

"Key systems, stretching from Council Tax to the Electoral Register rely on the NLPG," said Tony Black, Operations Director at Intelligent Addressing. "You can be sure that if new houses are receiving Council Tax statements and refuse collections, they will be included in the NLPG. We have seen huge improvements in the completeness and currency of the NLPG in the last few years as a result of national initiatives involving the Fire Services and the Electoral Roll for example. As more and more emergency service organisations engage with the NLPG, the better it will become," added Black.