22 Sep 2009

The NHBC has released a research report recommending the use of sprinkler systems in open plan flats
NHBC report results from a study into Building Regulations and guidance

Partly in response to international influences, there has been an increase recently in open plan flat layouts in the UK with bedrooms located as inner rooms. While these designs may appeal to the market, such layouts can pose problems for designers and developers particularly where they may not accord easily with Building Regulations and guidance.

To ensure a more coherent approach and highlight potentially unacceptable risks, this research report has been published for the benefit of designers, housebuilders and building control practitioners. It is hoped that it will contribute to more consistent design and a more straightforward approval process and so benefit the industry and its customers.

This report is the result of a study examining the options for satisfying the requirements of the Building Regulations. It addresses layout, size, travel distances, enhanced detection options and sprinkler use. In addition it addresses the human implications, including the various reactions, wake up and response times from people occupying the building.