14 Sep 2010
American Red Cross Town Hall in Washington DC shall host the National Summit on 14 September 2010 

The National Summit on Youth Preparedness on September 14, 2010 is an effort to bring the Youth Emergency Preparedness Education to the forefront.

The Department of Homeland Security’s - Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Education, and the American Red Cross are pleased to invite you to participate in the National Summit on Youth Preparedness on September 14th from 8:30 AM EDT to 2:00 PM EDT.

The Summit is being held at the American Red Cross Hall of Service in Washington, D.C. and will bring together approximately 150 attendees from the fields of youth communications, programs serving youth, developers of youth preparedness education, practitioners from the state, tribal, and local levels, and academia.  The goal of the Summit is to synthesize input from all participants to develop a framework for a national strategy on grades K-12 preparedness education to increase youth preparedness knowledge, skills, and behaviors, and to address youth of all abilities and backgrounds.    

In conjunction with the Summit, FEMA is releasing a research report, Bringing Youth Preparedness Education to the Forefront: A Literature Review and Recommendations.   This report and additional read-ahead materials are posted on FEMA's Community Preparedness Webinar Series webpage.

It will plan a national strategy on grades K-12 youth preparedness education

To participate in the Summit; login via web link beginning at 8:15 a.m. EDT.  Tune in for the following presentations:

 8:30-9:00     Welcome

  •  Gail McGovern, President and CEO, American Red Cross
  •  Bill Modzeleski, Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary
     Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, U.S. Department of Education
  •  Tim Manning, Deputy Administrator
     Protection & National Preparedness, Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security

9:00-9:30    The White House Perspective: A Commitment to Youth

  • Brian Kamoie, Senior Director for Preparedness Policy
    National Security Staff, The White House

9:45-10:30    Promoting Community Resilience in Disasters: The Role for Schools, Youth, and Families

  •  Dr. Kevin Ronan, Professor of Clinical Psychology
     Central Queensland University, Australia

10:30-11:00     The Way Children Learn: Implications for Youth Preparedness Education

  •  Francie Alexander, Senior Vice President & Chief Academic Officer
     Scholastic Inc.

11:15-11:45     Practices from Around the World

  • Jacob (Kobi) Wimisberg, Director of Strategy & Cooperation
    National Emergency Management Authority
    Israel Ministry of Defense

11:45 – 12:15

  • Chandrika Kumaran, Manager for Public Education - New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management

12:45 – 1:15

  • Daniela Penaloza, Deputy Director - National Institute for Youth, Chile