20 Apr 2011
Bunker Hill students can now receive certificates from the National Fire Academy, part of the DHS

The National Fire Academy has recognised the Bunker Hill Community College Fire Protection and Safety Program as meeting all requirements for the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Curriculum.

FESHE online and classroom courses are taught by professional firefighters, including deputy chiefs and chiefs of area fire departments. Students who complete the required coursework will now be eligible to receive certificates from the National Fire Academy, part of the federal Department of Homeland Security.

"We are thrilled to be selected as a FESHE school," said Professor William Barry, Coordinator of the Fire Protection and Safety Program. "This will enhance our students' educational experience and broaden their collective opportunities in the fire service careers."

At the College, the FESHE online and classroom courses are taught by professional firefighters, including deputy chiefs and chiefs of area fire departments. "We are always looking for innovations and improvements in what we offer students," said Dr. Bogusia Wojciechowska, Dean of Professional Studies, one of the leaders of the work leading to the recognition. The new curriculum is now available online for access to students at home and at fire stations.

The new courses, the College added, include Fire Investigation I and II, Principles of Emergency Services, Fire Behavior and Combustion, and Legal Aspects of Emergency Services. The College Fire Protection and Safety Program curriculum now aligns with a national competency-based system for fire and emergency services professional development. The FESHE program extends from associate's to bachelor's degrees. Its aim is to ensure that well-trained and academically educated fire and emergency services personnel have the skills to reduce loss of life and property from fires and other hazards.