28 Oct 2021

While most U.S. emergency communications centers (ECCs) use a CAD system to dispatch 911 calls and facilitate records management, few CAD system components are uniform across vendors. This can create problems transferring emergency calls and associated data, such as caller location information.

It can also create problems with the transfer of call information to first responders in the field via public safety broadband networks. These transfer functions are important capabilities for enhancing responder safety and situational awareness and is essential for the transition to Next Generation 911 (NG911) functionality.

The National 911 Program

The National 911 Program has selected Mission Critical Partners to complete an assessment of the status of CAD systems nationwide, including:

  • Relevant technologies and technological issues.
  • The governance, administrative and technological issues that all entities, including standards-development organizations, private-sector companies, and national CAD organizations, must address.
  • The resources, budget, and partner agencies needed and ideas for how to use.
  • Requirements and metrics that identify the value and accuracy of 911 CAD data.