27 Apr 2020

Monroe Fire Department in Monroe, Ohio has taken a proactive approach towards cancer prevention and ensuring the health and safety of their firefighters. A top priority in achieving that goal was the installation of a MagneGrip Exhaust Removal System, at the fire department’s facility.

Working with Monroe Fire Department’s Assistant Chief, Dave Leverage, MagneGrip installed an exhaust removal system. The MagneGrip Exhaust Removal System removes diesel exhaust emissions in firehouses, so as to reduce firefighter risk for cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

MagneGrip Exhaust Removal System

The patented magnetic nozzle provides an airtight seal and is 100% effective in removing exhaust emissions. The exhaust removal system also features wireless auto-start activation. MagneGrip’s 1,000°F rated hose is now standard equipment.

Assistant Chief for the Monroe Fire Department, Dave Leverage acknowledged the importance of exhaust removal in the health and safety of Monroe Fire Department’s firefighters and the ease of working with MagneGrip to install an effective and efficient system to reduce first responders' cancer risk.