21 Oct 2020

On the 16th of October, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, answered the following question from Andrew Dismore (Labor): What dangers do you believe that buildings under 18 m with dangerous cladding pose to residents?

The Mayor of London answered: “Several recent damaging fires in buildings below 18 meters have demonstrated the danger that unsafe cladding presents to residents. I have always been clear that fire risk does not adhere to strict height thresholds."

Fire safety requirements in LDP2

Consultation on this review closed on 25 May 2020 and we are still awaiting the response"

The Mayor added, "While I welcomed the Government’s decision to review the ban on the use of combustible materials within external wall systems, with a view to lowering the threshold to 11 m in height, I have long called for this ban to apply to all new buildings, irrespective of height or use. The consultation on this review closed on 25 May 2020 and we are still awaiting the Government’s response."

He continues, "I have already implemented tougher fire safety requirements in the London Development Panel 2 (LDP2). As such, all new contracts for housing development on publicly owned land, commissioned via LDP2, require sprinklers in blocks of flats and higher-risk buildings, and extend the combustible cladding ban to residential buildings of any height.”

Third-Party Certificated Fire Risk Assessment

Stephen Adams, Chief Executive - BAFE, comments: “BAFE are pleased to see this conversation continues in the interest of life safety. The Mayor’s comments about the behavior of fire for any building are unquestionably correct. This rationale must extend out further than just the topic of cladding, including the necessity for Third-Party Certificated Fire Risk Assessment providers to ensure a building has been appropriately reviewed to mitigate any risk from fire to protect lives.”

Stephen Adams adds, “BAFE recently submitted our response to the Government’s Fire Safety Consultation which the issue of regulating the fire safety industry, particularly Fire Risk Assessors, with Third-Party Certification was stressed. Further official, legally binding guidance is urgently required to determine who is deemed competent to deliver fire safety services to help the responsible person meet their obligations to a high standard.”