5 Oct 2010

Crews from Southall, Heathrow,
and Heston fire stations
the blaze for two and a half hrs

A fire on an industrial estate on Dominion Road in Southall, London, has been attended by four fire engines and around 20 firefighters from the London Fire Brigade.

Property worth thousands of pounds was destroyed as the external fascia of two industrial units was partly damaged by the inferno, which also badly razed a lorry and a three-tonne pile of waste wood on September 26th.

Crews from Southall, Heathrow, Hillingdon and Heston fire stations battled the inferno for more than two and a half hours and contained it by 20:37 BST.

The cause of the blaze was not immediately established, according to the fire service, which also attended a different fire in a single storey derelict health centre on Trinity Close, Leytonstone.

Part of the building's ground floor and a roof was damaged by the inferno, which elicited response from Leytonstone, Leyton and Stratford stations. The cause of the incident is under investigation.

Fire risk assessments, a legal requirement for all commercial premises, are designed to prevent such incidents by allowing owners and managers to pinpoint potential dangers or triggers that could ignite one.