11 Mar 2020

LION Group announces that they will be the sponsor of the Fire Engineering's next Reading Smoke podcast.

Reading Smoke has been a training tool for firefighters all over the county and even provides a CEU Certificate of Attendance for continued learning.

This episode will be about "The Next Generation." Here is what to look forward to:

  • Reading smoke as a strategic, tactical, and task-level skill
  • Like any skill, reading smoke improves with practice
  • Integrated use of live incidents, recent scientific data, as well as best practices continue to renew the reading smoke curriculum
  • Highlights include a new look at the combinations of volume, velocity, density, and color, street-ready clarifications/addition, and the solving of the Volume Paradox
  • Whether new to the reading smoke topic or a longtime practitioner, improved decision making relies on the cues and clues available in reading smoke